Wenatchee, WA
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The City of Wenatchee is required to maintain an up-to-date comprehensive plan in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) (see Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 36.70A). The GMA establishes the primacy of the comprehensive plan as the foundation for local planning decisions. Consequently, development regulations (zoning, subdivision) and other forms of implementation, including capital facility projects, must be consistent with adopted comprehensive plans. The last periodic update of the Wenatchee Urban Area Comprehensive Plan was adopted in June 2017 and prior to that a periodic update was adopted in 2007. The next periodic update is due in June 2026.
Much has changed in recent decades. The City has continued to see steady population and commercial growth. Growth has spread out to the logical geographic boundaries of the City, including the foothills to the north, west, south, and the Columbia River to the east. Wenatchee is facing some tough decisions on how to accommodate growth while protecting the quality of life and preventing the displacement of longtime residents. Land use, housing, transportation and public facilities and services are all critical to the development of Wenatchee.
In addition to the Introduction, the Wenatchee Urban Area Comprehensive Plan has 11 elements. These 11 topics include: Land Use / Urban Growth Area; Transportation; Housing; Economic Development; Cultural and Historic Resources; Community Design and Healthy Communities; Parks, Recreation and Open Space; Natural Environment; Public Facilities and Services; Capital Facilities (maintained as separate document), and Utilities. In addition to goals and policies associated with each element, the plan defines the Wenatchee Urban Growth Area (UGA), which is the boundary around City limits where urban growth is intended to occur over the next 20 years, and designates land use classifications for all properties within the UGA. Such land use classifications are then implemented through the Wenatchee Zoning Code and associated zoning map. The plan also includes a circulation map, which identifies all future roads and areas in need of improved circulation and classifies roads as a local, collector, minor arterial, or principal arterial.
Amendments to the comprehensive plan can only be made once each year, except in cases of emergency. Amendments may be made to the text of the plan or to map designations within the plan such as land use reclassification. The process for reviewing applications for amendments to the comprehensive plan is governed by Section 13.09.060 of the Wenatchee City Code. Applications must be received by close of business on April 1 to be considered in that year’s annual amendment process.